Welcome to my website. I am Yoma Schertz, music producer and singer-songwriter, with a huge love for music and adventure. Recently I finished my degree at the Abbey Road Intitute in Amsterdam and currently I am building my own recording studio.
How it all began
It all started with my first Sony when I was 4 years old. For hours I listened to music, and Sesame Street of course, on this beautiful little radio. When I was older, I started to record on cassette tapes, using the small microphone. It drove my brother nuts. When I grew older, I started to play the saxophone and the piano. Really nice instruments, but all I wanted to do was playing the drums. Often and loud.
I started to play the drums at my High School until my parents allowed me to buy a kit and play at home. One of the happiest days of my life! I also bought an acoustic guitar, an electric one and a bass guitar. My brother started to strongly dislike me.
A little detour
After High School I started to play in rock bands as a drummer and backing singer, at the same time. With the band City of Strix we played live gigs, wrote songs together and recorded them at the SAE Institute in Amsterdam. Although I was breathing music, it still didn’t occur to me to “do” something with music.
Instead of going to a Pop School or Music Production school, I applied for European studies at the University of Amsterdam. I even finished my Master Degree in Eastern European studies, I am a Stalin and Sovjet Union expert before I realized my true passion is music.
After my mother passed away I started to travel all over the world and write songs to express my feelings. For the first time, not as a drummer or bass player, but as a singer-songwriter. I started to record my ideas at home. During my longest travel of three months, I ended up in Seattle, in a “hippiehouse”. In the living room there was a studio.
It was here, where I first recorded my songs properly and where I learned a lot about writing songs together. I also learned how to record and mix in Logic. It was such an eye opener, to realize that writing songs in a group and recording and producing them together felt like heaven to me! Back in Holland I started to write and record even more songs. I bought microphones, Logic Pro, better speakers. Years later I decided to apply for the Abbey Road Institute in Amsterdam.
At the Abbey Road I followed an intensive study for Advanced Music Production and Sound Engineering. Here I learned to record bands professionally with an analogue SSL & Neve console. I also learned everything about microphones and the science behind sound and music. The fantastic Robin Reumers – Grammy nominated for his mixes! – tought us how to mix and master songs and audio, and how to evoke emotion. Also we frequently got masterclasses from the best sound engineers and music producers from all over the world. It was here at Abbey Road where I started to record and mix my EP’s, under the supervision of mr. Reumers. The first songs will be released soon. In the meantime, I also started my own business in 2018: Wolfsjong Productions. Since then I produced, recorded and mixed for several professional artists, as the main producer or as the assisent sound engineer & producer.
Find out more about my services as a producer & sound engineer, my in-house equipment and portable producer options: